Helping the Homeless People in November #2
Along with Rise Foundation volunteers, hildashaus volunteers will be distributing the menstrual hygiene items to the homeless womxn of Berlin.
More details here.

Helping the Homeless People in November #1
Along with Rise Foundation volunteers, hildashaus volunteers will be distributing the menstrual hygiene items to the homeless womxn of Berlin.
More details here.

Helping the Homeless People in October #2
Along with Rise Foundation volunteers, hildashaus volunteers will be distributing the menstrual hygiene items to the homeless womxn of Berlin.
More details here.

Helping the Homeless People in October #1
Along with Rise Foundation volunteers, hildashaus volunteers will be distributing the menstrual hygiene items to the homeless womxn of Berlin.
More details here.

Help Us End Period Poverty
Join us on Sunday, October 4th and help us assemble 90 menstrual hygiene kits and get everything ready for the bi-monthly distribution of menstrual kits to the homeless womxn of Berlin.
Starting from October 10th we will start a Menstrual Hygiene Program with Rise Foundation e.V., an organization that supports people affected by homelessness or poverty with food, personal items and human closeness. Twice a month we will distribute 900 menstrual products, this would ensure that we could provide Rise Foundation with 30 menstrual kits monthly to the homeless womxn of Berlin.
Our sponsors Yoni (organic menstrual products) + Jackson Reece (biodegradable wet wipes) have graciously donated enough products for the rest of the year!!!
During the meet up, we will also be decorating tote bags for the womxn. It would be great if you could bring your spare grocery tote bags (better if they are a light color.) We will need about 90 bags total so bring as many as you can.
Contact us if you will not be able to attend the event but you want to be involved in the kits distribution.
Come and help us #endperiodpoverty ♥
Much love,
ps: if you have any questions, you can write us at nicole@hildashaus.com
To register: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/help-us-assemble-menstrual-hygiene-kits-for-homeless-womxn-in-berlin-tickets-120386409993
Due to COVID restrictions we have 35 available spots. If something changes in your plans please cancel the registration so someone else can attend. Thanks for understanding

White Fragility Book Club Meeting Chapters 5 & 6
Hi all! Let's meet at Viktoria Park. If the weather is crap, my place is around the corner and can accommodate a small group. Looking forward to seeing you all again!

How to Find Clients
Is a freelancer even a freelancer if they don’t have any clients? Whether you've been a freelancer for a while or you’re just starting out, this 1.5-hr workshop will help you not only get clients…but get quality clients that pay you on time! For every workshop ticket purchased, a woman in a marginalized situation will be given a free entry.
In this workshop you’ll learn:
Where NOT to find clients
What services you’ll provide
How to define a niche market
How to build a reputation
Where TO find clients
How to maintain client relationships
Cost: 35 EUR/person
To register for the workshop, please send 35 euros to our PayPal along with an email to hildashaus@gmail.com.

2nd Unlearning Racism Book Club Meeting
The first book we will read is White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo.
The second meeting will be on Sunday, July 12th from 12p-2pm. If the weather is nice, we can meet in Viktoria Park. Otherwise, we will meet at S0MA Art Gallery. For those that can't attend we’ll try to set up some kind of recording so you can follow along (or perhaps we can take turns streaming the session).
🌟 Please come prepared to talk about the first two chapters. From there, we will see how much we cover during that time.
🌟 We will be using this guide to help us structure the meeting. It would be great if you read through it as well: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/566247/white-fragility-by-robin-diangelo/9780807047415/readers-guide/

Women who run with the wolves - Chapter 3
This time we will do a little gateway and go to Müggelsee!
We will enjoy some time together, do some activity and of course read our beloved “Women who run with the wolves”.
Please start to read by yourself Chapter 3. We will read some part together at the lake and will discuss it anyway but it would be great if you could start to read it before the meet up.
More details will follow in the next days via email … for now … thank for the amazing good energy you are bringing to the group! It’s really nice to spend some time with all of you.
Remember, this is OUR Book Club so any comments, advice, idea will be always welcomed.

Women who run with the wolves - Chapter 2
Hello Wild Women,
We have reserved a table for 10 people in a cozy and quiet cafe called Mona Lisa Classique - Frühstücks Café - Bäckerei at 1 pm :)
We can have brunch or just a snack - they have many options - or just a tea or whatever you feel like, spend some time together and read our beloved book ♥!

1st Meeting of the Exploring Racism Book Club
The first book we will read is White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo.
The second meeting will be on Sunday, July 12th from 12p-2pm. If the weather is nice, we can meet in Viktoria Park. Otherwise, we will meet at S0MA Art Gallery. For those that can't attend we’ll try to set up some kind of recording so you can follow along (or perhaps we can take turns streaming the session).
🌟 Please come prepared to talk about the first two chapters. From there, we will see how much we cover during that time.
🌟 We will be using this guide to help us structure the meeting. It would be great if you read through it as well: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/566247/white-fragility-by-robin-diangelo/9780807047415/readers-guide/

How to Manage Stress & Anxiety with Yoga Nidra
If you have ever struggled with stress or anxiety, you know how much it sucks! But just like working out is an important aspect of maintaining our physical health, working in is an important aspect of maintaining our mental health. Kelley Griffiths, personal trainer and founder of You, Me, Body Bliss will walk us through exactly what that looks like. Let’s get cozy together!
This workshop includes:
Intro - How Kelley Griffiths uses Yoga Nidra to cope with anxiety and stress. How she found it, why she trained to facilitate it, and how she uses it for herself and her clients.
What Yoga Nidra is, how it works.
Live Nidra session
*As a way to help ease the financial stress of COVID19, we are giving all the workshops on a donation base.

Align Your Biz with Body, Mind, Spirit
In our time together, Halley Bass is going to teach you about an energy system that lives in all of our bodies, called "THE CHAKRAS". They align up perfectly on our spine, from bottom to top, and each one represents a different aspect of how we EMBODY LIFE.
Something she has always felt was missing in business is HOW DO WE EMBODY our BUSINESS? Like...HOW CAN WE CREATE FROM AN AUTHENTIC EXPRESSION without trying to figure it all out from a book or what someone else tells you to do?
Does this sound like a lot of Woo-woo to you? Well, why not come try it out and see what you can learn? You have nothing to lose.
What you WILL walk away with is:
- A deeper sense of meaning with your business
- A deeper connection with how your body is connected to your business
- some great questions to consider about your business
- More energy!!! (to direct with your business or anywhere in your life)
This is a donation based event. All the money raised with the donations will be used to cover the initial set-up costs of hildashaus.
About the Instructor:
Halley Bass is certified in Energy Medicine from the Academy of Intuition Medicine in California, and a 200hr trained yoga teacher from Samyak Yoga school in India. She trained for one year as an expressive arts therapist, and after leaving that path, she followed her soul in exploration, finding her way to a 2 year long nature-centric women's Initiation in Northern California.
She now calls herself a Life & Business Mentor for people who are in need of guidance to find their inner-compass, and who are wanting to create a life or business that aligns with their personal values and soul expression. She is tired of seeing all the polished business moguls on the internet, and is here to create a revolution of leaders who are authentically expressing from a place of inner-truth and spirit.
She offers a wide array of services in her coaching, everything from guided visualizations to help you tune into your intuition, to strategies for creating and marketing your own business. She comes with over ten years of experience helping businesses market and communicate through social media, and her highest mission is to help people find the confidence to find their personal truth and live it out like nothing else matters more!

Nein Zu Rassismus Peaceful Protest
Let's meet and march together in support of the #BlackLivesMatter and #JusticeforFloyd movement.
Please wear masks and keep a safe distance.
More details to follow about where we will actually meet. Please click attend on the Facebook event so you receive the latest updates.

How to reach Financial Freedom - from the right insurance to the best pension plan - a talk w/ Maria Blanco Canal
Hello hildas,
We are happy to announce our next Hildas’Salon guest speaker, Maria Blanco Canal, a Financial Advisor at Deutsche Vermögensberatung AG - DVAG.
During her talk, Maria will be discussing everyone's favorite taboo topic MONEY & FINANCE as well as how to protect your present assets and secure your future income.
She will also guide us through:
- How to reach financial freedom w/ the financial pyramid concept
- Which German insurance you need to keep your money safe
- What pensions and long-term investments you should be paying attention to
After the talk, you will have the chance to ask her your personal finance-related questions.
This is a donation based event. All the money raised with the donations will be used to cover the initial set-up costs of hildashaus.
About our hildahost:
Maria is a very inspiring woman who became a financial advisor so she could help women become financially independent and aware and so they could prepare for a safe financial future.
We had a very interesting conversation a few weeks ago. When we asked why she chose this carrier path, this is what she answered: "I grew up in a privileged family where both of my parents were state workers earning a high salary, but still had to see some of our other family members suffer from financial trouble because they were ill-prepared and just concerned with living day-to-day. They never planned for sickness or old age, especially both my grandmothers, who both grew up in a dictatorship and, therefore, could not receive their own salaries (their husbands would get it for them), let alone plan how to use their own money. Seeing them suffer through life, not being able to have their own money or use it however they wanted to, having to depend on their husbands first, and now having to depend on their own children for a living, I decided that I wanted to do better, and be able to help other women to do better. That’s why this job called to me and I started working as a financial advisor. This job allows me to help women realize the importance of controlling their own money, and with that, be able to make their own choices in life and never be exposed to the danger of having to depend on some else to live."
Sign up with your email address to reserve your spot. Within 24 hours of the workshop start time, you’ll receive an email with the ZOOM access code.

Yoga for Period Pain with Hanna Turner of Real Yoga
In honor of Menstrual Hygiene Day, we wanted to deliver a yoga routine to you all that addresses the pain associated with monthly bleeding and feels good too
Who is this workshop for?
Any bleeding human who has ever experienced painful period symptoms such as bloating, discomfort, cramping, backache or depression.
How much does it cost?
donation-based, all funds we collect will help us w/ hildashaus' start up costs
What does the workshop include?
1/ First, Hanna Turner founder of Real Yoga, will demonstrate yoga poses you can do to help alleviate symptoms associated with menstrual pain/PMS and connect to your femininity. She'll explain why the poses help as well as demonstrate the correct form.
2/ Next, Hanna will lead you through a gentle, yet soothing practice that will help you cultivate compassion for yourself and acceptance of your body.
3/ Finally, we'll end the workshop with a calming meditation and share some mantras you can recite when dealing with PMS symptoms.
We hope to see you all there!

Women Who Run With Wolves Book Club - Chapter 1
Join us at our second meet up.
We will read the Chapter 1 of "Women Who Run With the Wolves" and have a fulfilling discussion afterwards.
"We are in the “becoming” stage of transformation".
Starting from Chapter 2, we will read by ourselves and discuss together during our meet up.
Let's meet on May 26th at 6 pm.
This event will be hosted on Zoom. The link will be provided 24 hours before the event

How to Quit Your Job & Follow Your Passion a talk w Anna-Liisa
Hello hildas,
Join us for an inspirational pep talk w/ Anna Liisa, former corporate executive turned wood warrior. During her talk, Anna Liisa will share how she worked up the courage to make such a big leap, the challenges she faced along the way, and her secrets for building engaging online + offline communities.
During the event, you will also have the chance to share your experience and ask for/give advice!
We can't wait to hear your experiences.
About our hildahost:
Anna Liisa is a badass mum who quit her well paid corporate job to follow her passion, woodworking. Together with her partner, she designs solid wood furniture with the intent of making sustainable, affordable, and stylish furniture available for more people.
Anna-Liisa also founded Berlin Wood Sisters, an online community of more than 2,000 members that encourages women and girls to push their own limits and build beautiful things through interactive workshops.
Check out her beautiful work here: https://wood-sisters.com/
Sign up with your email address to reserve your spot. Within 24 hours of the workshop start time, you’ll receive an email with the ZOOM access code.

Women Who Run With Wolves Book Club
Let's start our book club with a book we all love — "Women Who Run With the Wolves". This book shows, in its own beautiful way, the similarity between women, wolves, and the “wolf within”.
The so-called "Wild Woman" is a rare and endangered kind, with many of us feeling lost in modern society. Using multicultural myths, fairy tales, folk tales, and stories, Dr. Estes helps us reconnect with the healthy, instinctual, visionary attributes of the Wild Woman archetype. This is a book that will take us to the depths of our female unconscious.
"Bone by bone, hair by hair, Wild Woman comes back. Through night dreams, through events half understood and half remembered, Wild Woman comes back".
Let's meet on May 13th at 6 pm and discuss the introduction and chapter 1.
*Depending on the number of people we can also meet at the park (and of course keep the safety distance)

I'm a Freelancer, Now How the Heck Do I Find Clients?
Is a freelancer even a freelancer if they don’t have any clients? Whether you've been a freelancer for a while or you’re just starting out, this 1-hr workshop will help you not only get clients…but get quality clients that pay you on time! As a way to help ease the financial stress of COVID19, we are giving all the workshops on a donation base.
In this workshop you’ll learn:
Where NOT to find clients
What services you’ll provide
How to define a niche market
How to build a reputation
Where TO find clients
How to maintain client relationships

Easy Personal Budgeting
During such an uncertain time, it's a good idea to keep your current expenses in order. How? By preparing a basic financial plan that will last you until the end of the year. As a way to help ease the financial stress of COVID19, we are giving all the workshops on a donation base.
In this workshop you’ll learn:
What financial goals are and why they are important
How to create a monthly budget
What a real case study looks like
Which personal budgeting tools to use

How to Manage Small Business Inventory
The success of a small business depends heavily on whether or not they have an adequate inventory management process. This might be a challenging feat if you never managed inventory before! As a way to help ease the financial stress of COVID19, we are giving all the workshops on a donation base.
This workshop includes:
- An Introduction to Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold
- Exploring What Inventory Management Means
- Information About Everything From Inventory to COGS
- Q&A

Small Business Accounting - Basics
Accounting probably doesn't make the list of things you like to do as a business owner; it can be complicated and it needs to be done correctly.
But a good accounting system will help you to understand in real time important topics about your business, such as profitability.
This workshop helps small business owners to understand the basic of accounting and be capable of creating a basic financial reporting (Balance Sheet BS and Income Statement IS).
As a way to help ease the financial stress of COVID19, we are giving all the workshops on a donation base. All of the money raised will go towards the initial set up cost of hildashaus.
In this workshop you’ll learn:
- Basics of accounting rules
- From bookkeeping to a simple BS/IS
- Real-time case study
Think about how much you will be able to save if you would not need anymore your Tax Advisor for your accounting.

Money Secrets for Freelance Success
Learn the money secrets needed in order to become a successful freelancer— you know, one who “actually” earns an income. In this workshop, you’ll learn everything you ever wanted to know about money & freelancing. As a way to help ease the financial stress of COVID19, we are giving all the workshops on a donation base.
You'll Learn:
How much to charge for your services
Best money practices when dealing with clients
Which accounting tools to use
How to get paid

Easy Personal Budgeting
During such an uncertain time, it's a good idea to keep your current expenses in order. How? By preparing a basic financial plan that will last you until the end of the year. As a way to help ease the financial stress of COVID19, we are giving all the workshops on a donation base.
In this workshop you’ll learn:
What financial goals are and why they are important
How to create a monthly budget
What a real case study looks like
Which personal budgeting tools to use