How to Manage Stress & Anxiety with Yoga Nidra
If you have ever struggled with stress or anxiety, you know how much it sucks! But just like working out is an important aspect of maintaining our physical health, working in is an important aspect of maintaining our mental health. Kelley Griffiths, personal trainer and founder of You, Me, Body Bliss will walk us through exactly what that looks like. Let’s get cozy together!
This workshop includes:
Intro - How Kelley Griffiths uses Yoga Nidra to cope with anxiety and stress. How she found it, why she trained to facilitate it, and how she uses it for herself and her clients.
What Yoga Nidra is, how it works.
Live Nidra session
*As a way to help ease the financial stress of COVID19, we are giving all the workshops on a donation base.

Align Your Biz with Body, Mind, Spirit
In our time together, Halley Bass is going to teach you about an energy system that lives in all of our bodies, called "THE CHAKRAS". They align up perfectly on our spine, from bottom to top, and each one represents a different aspect of how we EMBODY LIFE.
Something she has always felt was missing in business is HOW DO WE EMBODY our BUSINESS? Like...HOW CAN WE CREATE FROM AN AUTHENTIC EXPRESSION without trying to figure it all out from a book or what someone else tells you to do?
Does this sound like a lot of Woo-woo to you? Well, why not come try it out and see what you can learn? You have nothing to lose.
What you WILL walk away with is:
- A deeper sense of meaning with your business
- A deeper connection with how your body is connected to your business
- some great questions to consider about your business
- More energy!!! (to direct with your business or anywhere in your life)
This is a donation based event. All the money raised with the donations will be used to cover the initial set-up costs of hildashaus.
About the Instructor:
Halley Bass is certified in Energy Medicine from the Academy of Intuition Medicine in California, and a 200hr trained yoga teacher from Samyak Yoga school in India. She trained for one year as an expressive arts therapist, and after leaving that path, she followed her soul in exploration, finding her way to a 2 year long nature-centric women's Initiation in Northern California.
She now calls herself a Life & Business Mentor for people who are in need of guidance to find their inner-compass, and who are wanting to create a life or business that aligns with their personal values and soul expression. She is tired of seeing all the polished business moguls on the internet, and is here to create a revolution of leaders who are authentically expressing from a place of inner-truth and spirit.
She offers a wide array of services in her coaching, everything from guided visualizations to help you tune into your intuition, to strategies for creating and marketing your own business. She comes with over ten years of experience helping businesses market and communicate through social media, and her highest mission is to help people find the confidence to find their personal truth and live it out like nothing else matters more!