Women who run with the wolves - Chapter 2
Hello Wild Women,
We have reserved a table for 10 people in a cozy and quiet cafe called Mona Lisa Classique - Frühstücks Café - Bäckerei at 1 pm :)
We can have brunch or just a snack - they have many options - or just a tea or whatever you feel like, spend some time together and read our beloved book ♥!

1st Meeting of the Exploring Racism Book Club
The first book we will read is White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo.
The second meeting will be on Sunday, July 12th from 12p-2pm. If the weather is nice, we can meet in Viktoria Park. Otherwise, we will meet at S0MA Art Gallery. For those that can't attend we’ll try to set up some kind of recording so you can follow along (or perhaps we can take turns streaming the session).
🌟 Please come prepared to talk about the first two chapters. From there, we will see how much we cover during that time.
🌟 We will be using this guide to help us structure the meeting. It would be great if you read through it as well: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/566247/white-fragility-by-robin-diangelo/9780807047415/readers-guide/

Women Who Run With Wolves Book Club - Chapter 1
Join us at our second meet up.
We will read the Chapter 1 of "Women Who Run With the Wolves" and have a fulfilling discussion afterwards.
"We are in the “becoming” stage of transformation".
Starting from Chapter 2, we will read by ourselves and discuss together during our meet up.
Let's meet on May 26th at 6 pm.
This event will be hosted on Zoom. The link will be provided 24 hours before the event

Women Who Run With Wolves Book Club
Let's start our book club with a book we all love — "Women Who Run With the Wolves". This book shows, in its own beautiful way, the similarity between women, wolves, and the “wolf within”.
The so-called "Wild Woman" is a rare and endangered kind, with many of us feeling lost in modern society. Using multicultural myths, fairy tales, folk tales, and stories, Dr. Estes helps us reconnect with the healthy, instinctual, visionary attributes of the Wild Woman archetype. This is a book that will take us to the depths of our female unconscious.
"Bone by bone, hair by hair, Wild Woman comes back. Through night dreams, through events half understood and half remembered, Wild Woman comes back".
Let's meet on May 13th at 6 pm and discuss the introduction and chapter 1.
*Depending on the number of people we can also meet at the park (and of course keep the safety distance)