Grateful Does Not BEGIN to Describe How We Feel
When you are in alignment with your WHAT (ending period stigma + period poverty) and your WHY (so womxn can step into their power and become the financially independent QUEENS they were meant to be) - there is no force that can stop you from achieving that goal. And we were reminded of that recently, when we received the news that our latest sponsor, Yoni, would be sending us enough organic tampons and pads to cover Rise Foundation’s needs for the REST OF THE YEAR.
And that was only 2 days after I received a giant package full of biodegradable wet wipes from our other sponsor, Jackson-Reece.
Somebody PINCH us - this is NOT real life :)
We are BEYOND grateful for the support we’ve received thus far. A BIG thank you to all of our sponsors! Y’all, please support the hell out of these brands.
Chemicals are not for pussies. That’s why all of their pads and liners are made of 100% organic cotton. This not only makes them soft and breathable but it also means they are biodegradable (which means Mama Earth can also breathe a sigh of relief.)
All of the Jackson-Reece wet wipes are made from 100% biodegradable and compostable materials. That means they are also Organic, Hypoallergenic, and Cruelty-Free. We can definitely get down with that!
Kim Sabine Eichhorn
Kim will be generously donating 10 % of the proceeds she receives from her “Driving Emotions Course” to us. If you want to learn more about the connection between breath & emotions and also train your mindfulness, make sure to check out her course.
After all of that…you might be wondering, but you didn’t tell us about the project, yet!
Starting October 10th, we will be taking over the menstrual hygiene needs for Rise Foundation, an organization that delivers food and essential hygiene items to the homeless people of Berlin twice per month. We will be preparing 30 menstrual hygiene kits to be distributed monthly. In the kits, we’'ll include five organic tampons, five organic pads, some biodegradable wet wipes, and * hopefully * a sweet treat - anyone know of a local sponsor?
Maybe you’re thinking “hey, thirty is not that many kits. That’s GREAT news that there aren’t that many homeless people in Berlin” to which I will say “NOT SO FAST, BUDDY.” The reason there aren’t that many homeless womxn on the streets is because it’s dangerous. Most of the homeless womxn live in shelters where it’s safer. Sad, I know.
And so Rise Foundation fills in where the shelters can’t, bringing dignity to the people living on the streets. We love their mission and we love all of our sponsors who also love this mission. Thanks to all who believe in us :)